Saturday, November 04, 2006

Commentary from Real Estate Today! Radio Show 11.04.2006

I must admit that I had a Field of Dreams moment last week, you know “if you build it they will come.” I was having lunch with a colleague and he asks me how we are going to build the audience for our new show. I got to thinking about that question and came to the realization that I have no intention of building an audience -- well at least not in the traditional sense.

My objective is to build a community of listeners rather than a traditional audience. Think of a neighborhood, the foundation is put into place by planners and developers, individuals move into the newly created neighborhood one at a time, get to know one another, interact and engage together – forming a community. That is my objective, to put into place a foundation – our show, and invite each of you to engage with us and form a community of listeners.

Talk radio is powerful because it is interactive and a safe place to ask questions, share opinions, and contribute to the knowledge of others.

The “Real Estate Today!” team seeks to add value for you and to do so with Integrity.

As a licensed real estate broker, certified mortgage lender by the Colorado Mortgage Lenders Association and past Chairman of the Colorado Real Estate Appraisers Board, I want to bring my 20 years of unique experience and passion for real estate to our community of listeners.

We have assembled a great team whose members bring a wide range of experience and a common passion to serve their clients.

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